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Royal British Legion Logo

Closure of the Arnside Branch of the Royal British Legion

The annual Community Remembrance Service for 2022 was held in St. James’ Church, Arnside on Sunday morning, 13th November. The service was conducted by Revd. Andrew Norman, Priest-in-charge, assisted by Revd. Tiras Dainty-Share.

In addition to the poignant reading of the Roll of Honour for Arnside and Storth, a list of fifty names (WW1, WW2 and Korea) and far too many for a small village, another sad feature was the laying-up of the Arnside Branch British Legion standard, owing to the imminent closure of the branch due to falling membership. The standard was handed over to Revd. Norman for future safe keeping in St. James Church by the retiring branch chairman, Alan Beaumont, who was accompanied by the branch standard bearer, David Owen.

The standard was paraded for the last time at the wreath-laying ceremony held at the Memorial Garden, adjacent to the Arnside War Memorial Playing Field, immediately prior to the Remembrance Service.

In addition to the annual Remembrance Services and Poppy Appeal collections in past years, the members of the Arnside Branch have organised many events – including whist drives, dances, concerts, and many other events. Many will remember the annual Gala held on the playing field with horse jumping, Gala Queen, children’s sports, tug-o’-war competition, visiting pipe bands, parachute jumping, sheep dogs, and numerous other items.

For a short time there was a “Lowland Games”, a nod towards the BBC’s “It’s a Knockout”, between local groups. The village children also benefited from the Christmas parties, pantomime visits, discos, bonfires, etc. run by the Legion members. The members also erected and lit the Christmas tree on the pier. The car boot sale on the playing field was originated by the Legion. Since its formation in 1926 the Arnside Branch has, until recently, been a vigorous group in village life.

The branch officers wish to thank the residents of Arnside for the great support given to the British Legion branch over its 96 years existence in the village. The local shop-keepers have allowed collection of funds by the sale of poppies, and many villagers have also assisted with house-to-house collecting.

The work of the Royal British Legion continues and the annual Poppy Appeal is just as necessary now as in former years.  Please continue with your generous contributions and support the new Appeal Organiser for the village, Emma Taylor.

Alan Beaumont (Retiring Chairman – The Royal British Legion – Arnside Branch)