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Welcome to Arnside

View over the Viaduct to snowy fells beyond
View over the Viaduct to snowy fells beyond

Welcome to Arnside Village, the website for the Arnside community and beyond. Situated on the Kent Estuary and within the Arnside and Silverdale National Landscape, Arnside is a friendly place with a thriving community and lots going on.

Upcoming events, details of clubs and groups, local news, businesses and the ever popular Arnside PierCam can all be found using the navigation menu. You can also take a look at the monthly Arnside Broadsheet, find useful local numbers, read about the history of Arnside, get in touch using the Contact Form and much more. Enjoy!

The website is part of the Arnside Broadsheet and, together with the monthly Arnside Broadsheet and the annual Arnside Directory, creates an information hub for the village and community. The Broadsheet and annual Directory are delivered to all households in Arnside and Carr Bank by a band of volunteers. Copies of the Broadsheet can be viewed and downloaded from the navigation on the left.

To have your event, business, club, group or news item etc included on the site, please contact   

Safety on the Sands

Please take notice of the signs.

The quicksands are dangerous!!  In an emergency, call the Coastguard on 999. Guided ‘Cross Bay Walks’ take place throughout the summer months. For details of the tide times, click on: Arnside Tide Times


From Easter to the end of October, a siren is sounded to warn of the incoming tide. The first warning sounds half an hour before the tide is due to come in to alert people to get off the sands as quickly as possible. The second will sound as the tide is coming in.                       

If you are planning a walk on the sands at any time of year, please check the tide times, be aware of potential quicksand and the speed of the incoming tide which can cause you to be cut off quickly. 

In an emergency, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.