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Job Opportunities

Silverdale Parish Council Logo

Vacancies for Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer & Minute Taker for Silverdale Parish Council

Silverdale Parish Council is inviting applications for the following two vacancies:

Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer Hours: 35 a month, to work mainly from home. Starting salary from the Local Government Services Pay Agreement 2024-25 Scale Range, LC2 18-23 (£15.84 to £17.29) depending on experience and qualifications.

Minute Taker Hours: 10 hours per month, working mainly from home. Salary £12.50 per hour.

There is an initial 6 months probationary period for both posts. Expenses paid and training available.

There is currently an opportunity to amalgamate the two posts if preferred.

To find out more about the vacancies or for an application form, contact the retiring Clerk on the details below.

Clerk to the Council: Denise Challenor
Tanglewood, New Barns Close, Arnside, Cumbria, LA5 0BL.
Tel: 01524-761824

Vacancy For Gentle Exercise Volunteer Leader

Age UK South Lakeland are looking for enthusiastic Volunteer Leaders to host our weekly hour-long classes for older people in Grange, Endmoor and relief cover in the South Lakes area (including Arnside) which focus on gentle chair-based activities and exercises.

The classes provide a vital role in helping the community keep fit, active and healthy in a fun and supportive environment.

If you like working with groups and have an interest in physical activities, this could be the volunteer role for you! They will pay your expenses and training is provided.

If you can spare a few hours a week, or just a few hours a month and would like more information, please call Suzanne Ambrose on 01539 728118, or email

The next training day is on Thursday 16th May so don’t delay in getting in touch.

Community Catalysts

Community Catalysts South Lakes

Community Catalysts

Community Catalysts is a social enterprise working across the UK to try to make sure that people who need care and support to live their lives can get help in ways, times and places that suit them, with real choice of attractive local options. We help local people use their energies and talents to deliver sustainable community enterprises that can support other local people, creating jobs and volunteering opportunities.

Community Enterprise Project in the South Lakes

This is a new and exciting project delivered in partnership with Westmorland and Furness Council. The two- year project aims to stimulate the development and growth of community enterprises that provide a wide range of help and support for older and disabled people or similar.

Community Enterprise

People with talents, passion and local knowledge run community enterprises. They all aim to make a difference to the lives of local people. Our project has a focus on enterprises that support older or disabled people who need some care or help to live a good life or similar:

  • have 8 or fewer full-time staff or volunteers
  • are independent of any larger organisation.
  • are set up in many different and creative ways such as: sole trader, partnership, small business, social enterprise, charity or voluntary organisation.

Support from the Community Enterprise Project

Community Catalysts has a huge amount of experience helping local people establish community enterprises. We run a development programme which can:

  • offer you a friendly and supportive point of contact to explore ideas
  • support you to develop your community enterprise
  • give you practical information on regulation, training and opportunities in the health and social care sector
  • direct you to other organisations who can help

What might this mean for me?

Community Catalysts can support people who are currently running a community enterprise that helps older or disabled people who need some care or help to live a good life or similar. We can also help people who are interested in starting a new community enterprise.

We would also like to connect with people, organisations, businesses or groups across the South Lakes area who have an interest in building stronger communities.

Get in touch

Jade Gibson is employed by Community Catalysts to coordinate this project and to run the development programme.

Click here to leave your details on the form and Jade will get back to you:

Contact Jade Gibson on 07435 943933 or at