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Tag: National Landscapes Association

Arnside & Silverdale National Landscape

Arnside & Silverdale AONB becomes Arnside & Silverdale National Landscape

As of today, 22nd November 2023, all the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty become National Landscapes, so Arnside & Silverdale National Landscape is the new name for Arnside & Silverdale AONB and we congratulate them on the rebrand. The new name highlights the national importance of this special place and we look forward to continuing to work with the team.

Each National Landscape has a new logo that reflects their landscape or one of its iconic species. The new logo for Arnside & Silverdale National Landscape is above and I’m sure will be easily recognisable as the Bittern. There is now a suite of 39 logos (including the National Landscapes Association logo) representing all the National Landscapes throughout the country.

National Landscapes teams have been at the forefront of delivering natural solutions to the main challenges facing the nation for many years. The new brand underscores their commitment to redoubling their efforts and engaging with a wider audience. In 2019, teams set themselves the most ambitious targets for nature and climate in the sector (the Colchester Declaration) and continue to work to meet them. The rebrand marks the next step in fully realising the National Landscapes’ vision to be the leading exemplars of how thriving, diverse communities can work with and for nature in the UK: restoring ecosystems, providing food, storing carbon to mitigate the effects of climate change, safeguarding against drought and flooding,
whilst also nurturing people’s health and wellbeing.