Arnside Methodist Church
The Church is open from 10am-4pm.
Disabled Access externally to Church Hall and between the Hall and the Church.
Sunday Services: 10.30am every Sunday unless otherwise stated.*
* Sunday morning services are live streamed on YouTube
Regular Activities:
Monday Friendship Group (MFG): 2-4pm on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month from September to June. Contact Pam on 01524 761928. For details of the various talks, click on the link to the Monday Friendship Group above.
Busy Bees Toddler Group: 10 – 11.30am on Wednesday’s during term time in the Methodist Church Hall. 50p per session. Contact Sue on 01524 761542.
Pray Together Wednesday’s 7-8pm in church. An opportunity to pray for the village and the wider world. Prayer requests can be left in the prayer corner at the back of church.
Monday Evening Bible Study: 7.15-8.45pm on 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Church Hall. Open invitation to anyone wishing to join us to explore God’s word.
Thursday Morning Bible Study: 10-11.30am in the Church Hall. For more information, contact Pam on 01524 761928.
Arnside Christians Together Increasingly, the Churches in Arnside are committing to working together in shared mission and ministry. This is coordinated through the work of the Kent Estuary Mission Community and particularly Arnside Christians Together (ACT). To find out more about what ACT are doing at the moment, click here.
Monthly Manna Friday, 7th February 12.15 – 1.30pm at St James’ Parish Church. A time of food, conversation and fellowship, sharing questions and insights around the Christian faith. Bring some lunch.
Messy Church – A joint venture of the Methodists and Anglicans – Friday, 14th February, 3.30-5.30pm at the Methodist Church. Fun for families – activities, learn more about Jesus and share a simple meal.
To receive our weekly notices, click here
For bookings for the Church / and or Hall, contact Pam on 01524 761928
Meet Tiras, your local Methodist Minister
Hi, my name is Tiras. I’m the Methodist minister in the Kent Estuary section of the Kendal Methodist Circuit covering Arnside, Storth, Milnthorpe and Levens.
I moved into the village in August 2022 with my then fiancée, Amy (we got married in April 2023) and our dog Fudge. We moved up from Dudley and love living in this beautiful part of the world, we feel very blessed to be here. You’ll often find me up the Knott or around the village, walking Fudge, or in the E.I playing snooker (I’m not very good!).
Rev. Tiras Dainty-Share
Methodist Minister in the Kendal Circuit | Tel. 01524 963 716 | Mob. 07812 516059
Please note my study day is a Tuesday and usual rest day is a Thursday.
- Rev. Tiras Dainty-Share: 01524 963716
Chapel Lane, Arnside, LA5 0AQ
Chapel Lane, Arnside, LA5 0AQ