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Arnside Christians Together (A.C.T.)

Arnside Christians Together logo

Arnside Christians Together seeks to draw the three church communities of the village together in ministry, mission, fellowship and friendship.

Events and Activities are collectively run and supported by St James’ Church, Arnside Methodist Church and Our Lady of Lourdes.

These include some regular events such as:

  • Messy Church: 2nd Friday of the month. 3.30-5.30pm at Arnside Methodist Church
  • Monthly Manna: A time of food, conversation and fellowship, sharing questions and insights around the Christian faith. First Friday of every month, 12.15-1.30pm at St James’ Church. Bring some lunch.
  • Rest & Reset: Christian Meditation, a moment to press ‘pause’. Look out for posters around the village as dates vary. All held at St James’ Church, 6.15-7pm.

Lots more activities and events happen, but on a more ad-hoc basis. Look out for posters round the village or check out the Events Page of this website and search for ‘Arnside Christians Together’.
