Arnside Choral Society
Everyone is welcome to join – no audition required, all we ask is that you can sing in tune and have enthusiasm! Just turn up to one of our Tuesday sessions, or keep your eye open for ‘Come and Sing’ Events or one of our open days.
Singing in a variety of styles with an emphasis on oratorio, we perform a minimum of two concerts a year in and around Arnside – one normally close to Christmas and another in the summer.
Rehearsals are every Tuesday 7:30 to 9:30pm at Arnside W.I. & Village Hall. We look forward to seeing you.
For more information about the society or if you have any queries, email: and we will get back to you. You can also access further information and full details of forthcoming performances (including how to book tickets) on the website by clicking here.
Details of forthcoming events can also be found on the Events Page of this website by clicking on Events and searching for ‘Arnside Choral Society’.
- Arnside W.I. & Village Hall, Orchard Road, Arnside, LA5 0DP