Arnside & Arnside Knott W.I.
Come and join us for our monthly meetings when, as well as socialising and discussing W.I. matters, we have speakers on interesting and varied subjects that should appeal to all age groups.
Being a member of the W.I. offers friendship, fun, opportunities to learn new skills and take part in a wide variety of activities, and to have a voice in campaigns on local, national and international issues that matter to you and your community.
Meetings take place on the second Monday of the month at 2 pm in the Arnside W.I. and Village Hall. (No meeting in August) There is a small charge of £3 (which includes refreshments) for non-members and visitors.
In addition to the monthly meetings, there are a range of other social activities on offer: coach trips, cinema and theatre visits, coffee mornings, evening social events, dining out, craft and cooking activities, fund raising events and more.
Arnside & Arnside Knott W.I. are affiliated to the National Federation of Women’s Institutes and the Cumbria-Westmorland Federation. The CWFWI organises classes and social events at their offices in Kendal, together with regular monthly groups for creative writers, embroiderers and painters. They also run tutor-led sessions for many other skills such as cookery and computing.
Why not come along and give it a try. We’d love to see you.
The W.I. & Village Hall is available to hire for meetings, functions, parties etc. For more information, click here.
- For more information, call Janet Hargreaves on 07421299922.
W.I. & Village Hall
Orchard Road